Bitcoin is alive & well in Europe

John Bottomley
3 min readOct 17, 2022

The Bitcoin Amsterdam conference did not disappoint

I spent last Wednesday & Thursday in Amsterdam attending the Bitcoin conference. I would estimate 2,000 or so people attended and the two day agenda was jam-packed with passionate & knowledgeable speakers. The conference organisers also included “speed dating” functionality to pre-arrange meetings, to maximise efficient networking. For someone used to (renewable) energy conferences, I found this 2 day maximalist-fest to be at an entirely new level of conferencing. If I wasn’t orange-pilled before, I most certainly am now.

My key takeaways:

  • The level of innovation occurring at Bitcoin’s layer 3 is astonishing — think #Defi on the most stable & secure blockchain in the world. But it’s more than that — there are tons of really smart people working to empower different blockchain networks with cross-chain capabilities on the Bitcoin network. And lest we forget, the Bitcoin blockchain is the world’s most powerful computer network by far.
  • At layer 2, lightening, I finally used it (although I still don’t like spending even small amounts of sats!) — faster than debit cards and better for the…



John Bottomley

founder, entrepreneur, non-executive director | energy transition evangelist who resides at the nexus of renewables, crypto & p2x | coffee addict -> https://ko